I’ve spend some time delving into my shelves to collect the books that shaped my creative coding practices. Some of them I wholly internalized, others merely served as a source for a useful snippet or two. I present them here as a nebulous cloud, not as a curriculum, because that’s the way I experienced them.
If you’re following me, you know I use Processing, so I’m not making a comprehensive listing of the books on this page: https://processing.org/books/. I realize my bookshelves aren’t quite up-to-date, the last few years the day job has been taking over most of my “research time”.
There is no fixed path here, only meanderings. I hope, one or a few of them will serve you as a starting point for new paths. For me, this pamphlet is the closest to an actual start. Over the past 20+ years, it took me on a journey to architecture, held me there for a while, crossed geometric paper art, data visualization, patterns, biomimicry, computational geometry, and every connection between.
Books that inspire: Architectural Design magazine
Books that inspire: Visualization
Books that show (and tell some)